16th June 2021

Just one of the reasons we felt compelled to build a memorial to honour those who served here during the Second World War. RAF North Creake – Operations Record Book16th June 1944

The A.C.O. paid a visit to the Station in the evening. No. 199 Squadron was detailed to provide sixteen aircraft for operations in protective support of the Bomber Stream. Fourteen aircraft carried out their instructions successfully, one aircraft ‘X’ returned early owing to his ‘Gee’ and Alternator being u/s. The weather was 10/10 cloud at 10,000 but clear above with good visibility at 15,000ft. One aircraft ‘N’ was missing, nothing being heard from him since Take-Off.

P/O Dale – Captain

F/O Brittain

F/S Swadling

Sgt Latimer

P/O Wittleston – Nav.

F/S Lofthose

Sgt Higginbottom

Sgt. Watts

All crew lost – the first loss from RAF North Creake. Nothing is known of what happened to the aircraft and this has led to great speculation, although there is suggestion that it was claimed by a pilot of KG 51. It is now unlikely the true story will ever emerge. We had the honour of having Flight Officer Brittain’s great niece and great grandson visit to pay their respects by placing a poppy against his name in our newly dedicated memorial. Jodie, the great niece, also gave us her great uncle’s ‘missing’ letter which we’ve since had restored by a paper conservator as part of the Time to Remember project. Flight Engineer Claude ‘Ted’ Allen commemorated the loss by painting a picture of the Stirling in the 199 Squadron office at RAF North Creake. The mural was removed in 1983 by the Fenland Aircraft Preservation Society, coordinated by John Reid, and is now on display at the RAF museum in Hendon.

#TimetoRemember #LestWeForget #WeWillRememberThem

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Memorial Dedication Day – 5 June 2021

Wonderful day for a little celebration to dedicate the new RAF North Creake Memorial. Yesterday was magical, to have Bernie How – a Flight Engineer of 199 Squadron based here 1944-45 including taking part in D-Day (the first operation from RAF North Creake) to cut the ribbon on the Roll of Honour 77 years later was very special indeed. He was deservedly thanked by all for his role in defeating the evil of fascism. The Stirling sculpture – ‘Home Safe’ is dedicated to all those who served at the station, while the Roll of Honour details all those 73 men who died. They gave their tomorrow so that we could have our today.Covid has delayed the project little and curbed the size of the celebration originally planned, nevertheless it was a very specially day. Thanks to all who have helped make this project a reality. We were only able to have 30 people with us on the day (all of whom were instrumental in getting this project off the ground) but the community who have contributed their time and lent support is so much greater.With special thanks to The Assembly House for an amazing afternoon tea and Beeston Brewery for the beer.#TimetoRemember #LestWeForget #wewillrememberthem Andy Knighton SculpturesWalsingham AbbeyHolkham HallBlack Dog Computer Services Ltd

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